true believers
"The Cascade Aircraft Conversion Pressure Cowl is one of the best modifications I have put on my airplane! On an eighty degree day the engine performs like it was a 60 degree day."
- Dan Schellenberg, Air Dusters, Inc. - Roggen, CO
"If you have any non believers just tell them to give me a call! You have really hit a home run on this one… The Cascade Pressure Cowl does everything and more than you said it would. The NG and the ITT are a non-issue now and I'm running an HONEST 50 to 60 degrees cooler! It's the first time in five years that I haven't temped-out and it's been kind of fun to just watch the temp. guage. We're also saving on the engine and reduced the NG by 4% and reduced the fuel consumption by 4 gallons an hour and that in itself will pay for the unit… Now I have flown 536 hours with the Cascade Pressure Cowl and cleaned the air filter once, at about 250 hours. I was thinking about putting a PT6-34 on, but I don't know why I would need to change now."
-Krech Dakota, Airspray - South Dakota
“You know the saying that no news is good news. Well, you got through the season without even a peep from me but I can’t keep quiet any longer. Your pressure cowl on my 500 gal thrush with a PT6-34 is great!! I have a very honest 70 degree drop in the ITT. I can’t over temp even on a 100 degree day and we had a bunch of those this year. What a tool!”
-Jake Kraft, West River Aerial, Inc.